Teen Coaching


  At Lisa Lombardi Coaching, we truly understand and appreciate today's teenager. They have so many dreams, but so many distractions too. We help them manage those distractions while putting them on track to their finish line, whatever that personally means to them. Whether you are here because you have a teen struggling, or just want to better prepare them for life, welcome to teen life coaching!

While Lisa Lombardi Coaching's--Teen Division, produces many fun and dramatic workshops for ages 13-19, private 1:1 coaching is really the best way to reach them at this stage. Life coaching is fun and different! Most teens have never experienced anything like it.  They are surprised how much they like it. Suddenly their stress about making the grade, matching up with popular peers, finding more time, dealing with friend drama, planning for college, and battling unique family dynamics, slowly slip away as we get to work on their exciting new life. 

Your teen has the power! It's their choice to either be the driver of their life or simply a passenger. A personal life coach can help motivate them to drive their dreams with a vision and goals. Of course goals must have actions that include metrics to keep them accountable. This is life coaching! It is personal and amazing. While we can never guarantee the exact results your child will achieve, results are more the norm than not! Little pivots really do lead to BIG changes.

 Lisa Lombardi Coaching offers virtual, in-office, cafe coaching, and eco-coaching all aimed at allowing teens to benefit from the powerful tool of coaching. 

Lisa Lombardi Knows Teens

Lisa Lombardi truly knows teens! She has two teenagers of her own and has worked with hundreds in coaching. Long ago, she unleashed the secret sauce to working with them. First, we must show them what's in it for them. This is not a flaw, but typical human behavior. Teens are no different. It's easy from there! Next, they must deeply believe that they have the power. Once this belief system shifts, all is possible!

Check out our upcoming teen workshops below. Can't wait? Book private 1:1 for your teen with Lisa Lombardi or one of our teen life coaches now. Virtual and in-person.

 Cheers to the Soft Skills in 2024!

It's time to fine tune your teen's soft skills. How? Just "begin" and the coach will take it from there. Soft skills are the abilities that schools don't explicitly teach and employers continue to say our youth lack.
Communication, reputation, professionalism, initiation, confidence, networking, ingenuity, drive, and more will be addressed.

Available now in private 1:1 coaching.  This program can be modified for preschoolers to the golden years!

Stars Strengths Internship  Program

We are taking internships to a new level as we find our hidden strengths! Through a unique coaching formula, teens will take inventory of discovering their special strengths and then learn how to maximize them in a work setting.  Unlocking a teen's talents is eye-opening and thrilling!

 Available now in private 1:1 coaching.

College Coming Starts Early

This comprehensive experience is for families who might be interested in preparing their child early on for college. The program begins in 8th grade and runs through junior year. Teens who successfully complete this program in our private setting will be eligible to volunteer for Lisa Lombardi Coaching events and apply for our Teen Advisory Panel. 

Available now in private 1:1 coaching (virtual and in-person). 

Whack-A-Worry and Goal Set
        Popular Kick-off Program!

We've all been told to take a deep breath. Sometimes you need to go beyond that to reach calm. Learn Lisa Lombardi's exclusive 125 tips to manage worries and lead your best life. Once you're in "calm zone", we will be able to blow through setting goals and conquering them!

Contact: lisa@lisalombardi.com or call 630-659-8004 to book any of the above teen private 1:1 programs.

Our Testimonials

Lisa assisted in helping my teenager find balance in high school and feel calm again.  My daughter looked forward to every session because Lisa makes it fun.  My son who is almost 13  will also attend her programs soon.

April R.

We switched over to life coaching with Lisa when my teen wasn't connecting in a therapy setting. The alternative of life coaching was just perfect.  So glad we found this for him.  Most of our sessions were in-person, but we also did virtual when traveling. Very valuable service.

Taye B.

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Do you have questions about private and group coaching? Reach out and open dialogue!